Koinomo $KMO Worldwide Venture


KOINOMO save is an overall endeavor 

saves, and overall hypothesis holds 

requires an overall base cash, This 

the cash is Bitcoin/USD, consistently known as cutting edge gold. bitcoin has been the best performing asset since it was made in 2009 by a man named Satoshi Nakamoto. This individual/pack doesn't control Bitcoin because Bitcoin is controlled and asserted by the person who does. 

This is known as "Scattered Ledger Technology" DLT (Ledger is the Book of all trades that have been made with Bitcoin. also, this record is generally called Ledger which is controlled and run on PCs from one side of the planet to the other which suggests KOINOMO enables investorsto store Bitcoin to other Bitcoin pools from monetary supporters all through the planet, from which our association puts and trades the computerized currency market which resembles the forex market. Our essential trading pair is BTC:USD, All the trades that occur on our not really set in stone to return advantages to each and every taking an interest part. 

As the premium for Bitcoin increases as a steadily expanding number of Investors enter the cryptographic cash industry, so does the value of individual electronic assets. 

The cryptographic cash industry is at this point in its soonest arranges, as such it as of now offers a remarkable opportunity to contribute before standard gathering occurs, raising the possibilities high soon. As a relationship, this resembles buying an association's stock before it rises to advance, achieving monetary patrons appealing returns as the association's stock climbs in regard versus whatever worth point they got it at. One of the guideline ways to deal with grow the value of your Bitcoin property is through trading, which saves time, industriousness and a lot of association.


Koinomo Asset the chiefs To transform into a monetary patron in KOINOMO Fund, you ought to at first visit KOINOMO.com. .once there you investigate to the data trade button which is generally called "Start Investing". You will then be facilitated to the KOINOMO PORTAL. on our site you will really need to send resources from your current record to your wallet by using a QR code or your Wallet Address. Further headings on these methods are referred to under in "KOINOMO Wallet Explanation" and further in "Technique for Funding FundsKOINOMO" KOINOMO Wallet DescriptionOnce you have made your wallet, you should move Bitcoins either from your supported exchange or another current wallet. in the wake of sending your Bitcoin to the KOINOMO wallet, the harmony in the upper right corner should reflect the proportion of Bitcoin you moved to the wallet. 

This resource is perceptible, Click Invest Bitcoin to FUND, by and by enter it, select the association you need to use. from here, you need to certify your advantage into the resource by returning your mysterious expression, you will show a green characteristic of endorsement close by the trade ID to trackyour resources across the blockchain Within 24 hours, you will see your hypothesis on the KOINOMO Funds page. Due to the endeavor our structure restarts as expected, all advantages and disasters are made during that day. 


KOINOMO has handled an enormous part of the significant issues looked by the Financial business today 


KOINOMO tokens offer a response for questionable monetary courses of action executed under the current overall cash related system. more than this, tokens give a pathway to reestablish a sensible scattering of livelihoods in the economy. 

KOINOMO will focus in on growing the gathering of KMO tokens. extended gathering of KMOs will give esteem climb support to assets which can moreover drive advancement and lead to more important capital inflows into the KOINOMO economy. 


In case you know about PCs, you will really need to make your KOINOMO account in less than 10 minutes (and conceivably get saves). We've a few clear steps to start you off and if you need any more help from an authentic individual, essentially click the buttonchat and ask the individual directly to help you with getting what you require and explain whatever else if significant.


Set up in 2017 we have had a genuine long association in the youth but simultaneously unsteady crypto market setting some record highs and lows ever. 

We guarantee your own or corporate endeavor makes strides in longer prospects. Improve on your work and straightforward. 


KOINOMO token will be conveyed reliant upon BSC Network on PancakeSwap. 


4 September 2021 (09:00 GMT) 

Number of tokens sold 

500,000 KMO (5%)

16 September 2021 (11:00 GMT)

Presale Token Price

1 KMO = $0.5

Satisfactory cash

BNB(bep-20) and USDT

Least exchange sum

$100 worth of BNB


click the link below

Official link



TELEGRAM GROUP:http://t.me/Koinomoannouncement







Name: silviaj

Bitcointalk profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2860354

My bsc address: 0x95Bc0029D2AAF3409Cb082cC54C9253b73ED0aD7


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