KOINOMO Blockchain innovation

 What is Koinomo? 

Koinomo is a stage for the eventual fate of asset the executives utilizing Smart agreements dependent on blockchain innovation. Koinomo plans to have the best and productive Fund with the goal that clients have the best experience across the board place. Koinomo is a Decentralized Assets Management and Investments Fund Built on Binance Smart Chain. 

Objective of Koinomo: 

Koinomo is centered around changing the manner in which we acquire automated revenue in Crypto with the foundation of the world's most mechanically progressed blockchain Fund. Koinomo organization and experience bring a help standard none making you and your accounts in front of the group in the monetary business and subsequently on the planet. Essentially put your Bitcoin property into the Koinomo asset and they will expertly contribute and exchange your capital among different resources. The asset is continually overseen and new coins are ceaselessly being explored in order to furnish financial backers with the most ideal profit from their capital.

Decentralized Bitcoin Wallet: To make a record with Koinomo, you just need to make your own bitcoin wallet utilizing a 12 key arbitrary seed key which interfaces your record to your PC and is sponsored by a 8 - 21 keys secret phrase. 

Full Protective Security: Koinomo has taken a few measures to guarantee a protected environment for financial backer's Funds by utilizing a Cold stockpiling wallet to store the Digital Assets of financial backers in care. 

Month to month FUND Performance of KOINOMO: At the finish of every month, Koinomo is obliged to distribute reserve list execution which shows day by day exchange exercises and benefit/misfortune for each exchanging day. 

A single tick pulls out: Investors are not attached to any time span for their speculation which implies they can pull out whenever of the day from Koinomo FUND to their Koinomo wallet. 

Zero withdrawal Fees/No secret expenses: koinomo doesn't charge any withdrawals charges beside the 8:2 benefit split (BTC financial backers) and 9:1 proportion benefit split($KMO financial backers). 

all day, every day Online Support: Koinomo will give nonstop Live Chat on the site and Telegram people group for financial backers in the event of any help required in regards to their Investments with Koinomo. 

Koinomo Ecosystem: 

To turn into a financial backer in the KOINOMO Fund, you should initially visit KOINOMO.com. Once there you explore to the information exchange button otherwise called "Begin Investing". 

When you store your assets in Koinomo wallet. Koinomo oversees financial backer assets through various situations, in both long and short systems. 

54.5% of a portfolio is dispensed to transient methodology by means of exchanging work area, where Koinomo will make normal exchanges various BTC to fiat and BTC to crypto pairings. 

Other 45.5% is holding BTC saves, a place of refuge in cool wallets ensured and secure. 

KOINOMO computes all benefits in USDT, implying that after your Bitcoin is contributed, our objective will be to expand the FIAT Value of your bitcoins regardless of whether the market is negative. 

In the event that you store 1 BTC at the current cost of $38,000, Koinomo's order is increment that FIAT and Bitcoin sum even on a negative market or cycle through exchanging and contributing. In the event that the cost of bitcoin drops to $32,000, our asset makes a normal of 15% toward the month's end which gives you a benefit of $5,700 in addition to $38,000 rises to $43,700. 

Benefit Distribution Process - All benefits will be parted at a proportion of 2:8 in that KOINOMO takes 20% and the financial backer takes 80%. Your record balance gets recalculated and refreshed at regular intervals. 

Ventures done in local badge of Koinomo for example KMO will be more benefit sharing which is 9:1. Financial backers share 90% of benefit and 10% Share by Koinomo. 

At the point when misfortunes happen, the worth of the misfortunes will be appropriated among financial backers relatively to their particular levels of interest in the asset. Such misfortunes will then, at that point be refreshed in the record in a similar way as the benefit.

KOINOMO Token or "KMO" token is a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) based free-gliding resource, with its own financial strategies. $KMO goes about as a local cash of the Koinhomo environment. 

The greatest benefit of the KMO token is if financial backers pick to put resources into the Koinomo store through the KMO token they have a greater offer in benefit sharing which is 9:1, which implies 90% of the benefit will be given to financial backers on the off chance that they decide to contribute through KMO tokens. This will assist with becoming the Koinomo environment.

Token Name: Koinomo 

Token Ticker: $KMO 

Organization: Binance Smart Chain 

Absolute Supply: 10,000,000 KMO 

Agreement address: 0xfacae4b7e602d6b54a26d4d5b5a6c47661c00e79

Rush to BUY $KMO Token at $0.15 https://Koinomo.finance 

The KOINOMO Token offers an answer for the problematic financial strategies executed under the current worldwide money related framework. More than this, the token gives a pathway to reconstructing evenhanded income dissemination inside the economy.


join link below

Official link



TELEGRAM GROUP:http://t.me/Koinomoannouncement







Name: silviaj

Bitcointalk profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2860354

My bsc address: 0x95Bc0029D2AAF3409Cb082cC54C9253b73ED0aD7


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